The Swap Body system is proven to increase top-line revenue while lowering operating expenses for building supply companies across North America. Over 30 building supply companies from the ProSales Top 100 use this solution for this exact reason.
Downtime becomes delivery time! Drivers swap an empty body for a loaded one and return to delivering in minutes.
Using multiple bodies with each truck lessens the number of power-units required to do the same amount of work.
Swap Bodies eliminate overtime, 2nd shift loading, and extra trucks used to fill gaps - converting costs into profitability.
At the start of the shift, drivers climb into pre-loaded trucks and depart immediately. At the same time, product is loaded directly into 2nd or 3rd bodies independent of the truck. No time wasted!
Trucks go back and forth making deliveries during the day, as workers at the facility continue to load bodies. The time freed-up lets delivery teams focus on quality loading and making best-in-class deliveries.
As trucks return to the warehouse drivers swap an empty body for one that’s loaded in 10 minutes. This quick swap time makes a second round of deliveries per shift, or same-day delivery, possible