Demountable Videos

Warehouse On Wheels

Up to four preloaded Demountable truck bodies are line-hauled to a regional market utilizing this semi-trailer system. At the remote market, Demountable-equipped straight trucks mount the body loaded for their route and complete deliveries. Regional warehouses and cross-docks are no longer required to provide top-quality, long distance delivery service.

Swap Body System

The Demountable truck body system enables companies delivering with straight trucks to load and deliver at the same time. System benefits include: reduced warehouse worker and driver downtime; reduction in fleet and labor costs, including overtime and second shifts; less damage and better quality deliveries for higher customer satisfaction.

Baer's Furniture

Baer's Furniture chose Warehouse on Wheels to expand home delivery into a new market on the West Coast of Florida. The system improved operations by letting two trucks load at once at the same bay door; overtime was reduced by 5%; and trucks depart earlier enabling customers to schedule earlier deliveries.

Levin Furniture

The Demountable System allowed Levin unlimited expansion within a 300 mile radius of their distribution center. They were able to grow their business rapidly from the same warehouse by adding Demountable equipment as needed. Levin was also able to keep inventory at the same level as they grew.

RDI Logistics

Demountables let this 3rd party logistics firm service larger areas with fewer warehouses and less touches to freight. Customers and end users benefit because it's easy to use, drivers start fresh in their local area and are delivering goods that have been handled less times resulting in less damage to freight.